Moving Beyond Trauma Podcast

My podcast is launching on 24 March 2023!
Moving Beyond Trauma is going to run weekly until the summer!
Yep, we are switching to audio.
You see, I’m getting increasingly frustrated at myself and social media. I want to write succinctly, yet not dumb it down. I want to bring in other voices and experiences alongside mine. I want to give voice to people who don’t have it. I want to bring way more pre-digested material and information to people. I want it to be free and easy to use. I want this to be insightful and practical as well as fun. I want to talk a lot more about why Moving Beyond Trauma is so much more than self help for individuals, but an increasingly urgent awareness upgrade for us humans as a collective.
I hold the view described by Gabor Mate and other leading researcher practitioners in this field, that trauma is not the event that happened to you, but what happened inside of you as a result.
But this isn’t the whole story. Because it doesn’t absolve others from acting in ways that cause trauma.
The icky thing about trauma is that anywhere there is trauma, there is a perpetrator. This uncomfortable truth gets shunned and buried under a whole pile of BS. For example, the entire field of psychology was birthed under conditions of the control of masses. People were “diagnosed” with demonic possession, evil spirits, cowardice, depravity. Unspeakable acts were performed on them. (Read more like this here).
The whole arena of Diversity Inclusion Equity and Justice (DEIJ) is a trauma-informed place, because people in minority or marginalised groups are more likely to experience trauma from repeated isolation, acts of aggression, being refused a voice, all manner of societal inequities and injustices, as well as physical and mental assaults.
And yet when we look back we get a sinking sensation that many of these “diagnoses” were what we know today as poverty, bi-polar, homosexuality, neurodivergence, developmental trauma, child abuse, neglect, emotional and physical abuse, rape, sexual violence, and more.
There’s a complicated duality that is around trauma: it is simultaneously a response inside an individual; yet there’s a collective responsibility to become trauma-informed at all levels of society.
And that’s why I’m “shifting to audio” as my editor Rob Lawrence calls it, because there is way more to it than a few blogs and posts can cover!
Here’s a teaser of just some of our guests who I’m genuinely thrilled will be joining us:
- Practical ways to help avoid traumatising children at the dentist (I’ll be interviewing Luxembourg’s only paediatric trauma-informed dentist, Dr Sarah Frasch Gregor – @kinderdentista, on this);
- Effective ways to build a safe place in your home that means you can retreat and re-juvenate yourself ready for another day, as you move beyond trauma (we’ll hear from Caroline Rogers on the Psychology of Home on this);
- How to get unstuck from unhelpful patterns and boost your confidence and self esteem (and a whole lot more self discovery) by learning to step into an archetype and play a role (I’ll be interviewing a buddy from my MSc program, Andrew Piper, Actor, on this);
- Re-boot your happiness and love of life even in the face of long-term illness and disability (I’ll be talking to Keith Mayers, Illness Coach on this);
- When your sexual preference flies in the face of your family and culture, we will hear one man’s incredible journey to repair and heal not just himself, but the many communities he is part of (I’m talking to Saar Maoz, buddy and dear friend, who was born a into a Jewish kibbutz in Israel, moved away from it all to London where amongst many things he was on the steering committee of the London gay men’s chorus. Back in Israel since 2013, he was the deputy CEO of the Israel AIDS task force, as well as a key leader in the LGBT partnership for change. He is also the protagonist of a film called “Who’s gonna love me now?”) And no, we can’t talk about that all in one episode, so he might talk to us a few times!
- Outer and Inner Confidence top tips and vibes for finding and living the “real you”, especially when moving beyond trauma (friend Tracey Moys, Image Consultant, House of Colour Chattanooga Hixson).
Watch this space for the launch of the podcast! When you subscribe it will automatically inform you when the newest episodes drop.
I look forward to seeing you in the Land of Podcast!